What happens at your appointment:
- get a GP referral
- Call us to make an appointment
- Depending on the urgency, we can try to accommodate you for an early appointment
- if you send us an email, we will try to respond by 48 hours
Gallstone Disease
Gallbladder Surgery
Gallstones is a common cause of abdominal pain, infection, jaundice and pancreatitis. An ultrasound scan is the most accurate way to assess the gallbladder for the presence of stones. Sometimes even without stones, the gallbladder can be dysfunctional and cause significant pain and discomfort
The gallbladder is a small organ that is located under the liver, positioned under the rib cage on the right side of the abdomen. Stones within the gallbladder can obstruct different parts of the biliary tree and cause much ill health. Sometimes admission to hospital is necessary for significant pain, infection, jaundice or pancreatitis.
How is the surgery done?

Usually the most effective and reliable way to manage gallbladder/ gallstone issues is to remove the gallbladder. This can almost always be performed via a laparoscopic procedure (keyhole surgery).
What are the risks?
As with any operation, there is a small risk of bleeding and infection. In a small number of patients, the procedure may not be able to be performed laparoscopically and will require a more traditional open surgical approach.
What to expect after the surgery?
After laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, you are likely to stay in hospital overnight. You are permitted to have a normal diet and return to normal activities. You should refrain from heavy lifting and exercise for 4 weeks. You may remove your hospital dressings after one week, and do not need to apply any further dressings to the wounds thereafter. If you are unsure when to return for review with Dr. Yew, please call the office to schedule an appointment.